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We don't think of our Revolutionary War Heros as real people, just famous names we learned about in public school. However, they were just like us, with jobs, families and homes - with one big difference - they chose to risk their lives so that we could live in our own free country.
You can still see the places where they lived and worked. On this July 4th, Independence Day, perhaps it is time you went back to honor them by walking in their footsteps.
VA- |
"Give me liberty or give me death"
CT- |
"I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country" |
MA- |
"One if by land, two if by sea" |
VA- |
Future President wounded at Battle of Trenton, NJ |
"We must indeed all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately" |
VA- |
George Washington Definitely Slept here |
VA - "Give me liberty or give me death"
VA Exit 92 : Scotchtown - Patrick Henry, his wife Sarah and their six children moved into theirhome named "Scotchtown" (11 miles NW of Ashland) in the spring of 1771. It was noted that by September, Henry was producing tobacco, which he sold to a local store owner. During his years at Scotchtown, Henry was busy with civic activities, so it was from here that he rode in 1775 to St. John's Church in Richmond to deliver his famous "Liberty or Death" speech.
In 1776 he was elected as the first governor of Virginia and relocated to the Governor's Palace in Williamsburg. 16120 Chiswell Lane, Beaverdam. Hours: Mar-Nov 30, Fri & Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5 or by appointment. Tel: 804-227-3500 www.apva.org/scotchtown
CT - "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country" |
CT Exit 83N or 84S: Nathan Hale Schoolhouse - Revolutionary War notable Nathan Hale was a teacher in New London (and East Haddam), and you can visit his schoolhouses there. "He was a happy and faithful teacher, everybody loved him. He was sprightly, kind, intelligent and ever so handsome.", wrote some pupils about him.
In July, 1775 he closed the schoolhouse and joined the patriots. In the summer of 1776, George Washington was desperate for information about the British, so he asked for a volunteer to spy on them. Nathan Hale exchanged his uniform for a plain brown suit and broad-brimmed hat and, grabbing his Yale diploma, pretended to be a schoolmaster. He crossed the L.I. Sound and headed for Manhattan, where he was captured on September 21, 1776.
The intelligence reports found on his person caused British General William Howe to order him hanged the next morn without trial. His dying words have turned him into one of the most famous patriots, "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Corner of Water St. & State St. Hours: (check first) May-Oct W-Sun 11-4. Tel: 860-873-3399 www.connecticutsar.org/sites/nl-schoolhouse.htm
MA - "One if by land, two if by sea" |
MA Exit 25: The Paul Revere House - On the night of April 18, 1775, silversmith Paul Revere left his wooden home in Boston's North End and set out on a journey; Longfellow wrote about the ride in a poem which turned Revere into a legend.
His home is downtown Boston's oldest building, built in the 1600's. Revere bought it in 1770 (and stayed till 1800) for his growing family, which included his wife Sarah, five children and his mother Deborah. He eventually had 16 children with two wives living in this house til 1800. After his famous ride, it would be nearly a year before Revere dared set foot in his home town again. His oldest son stayed behind to protect the house and workshop.
Ninety percent of the structure, two doors, three window frames, and portions of the flooring, foundation, inner wall material and raftering are original. Colonial homes sported these heavy beams, large fireplaces and absence of interior hallways. Revere family furnishings can be seen upstairs in the two rooms.
Revere was a silversmith, a good trade; however when times were lean he also made teeth, copperplate engravings (business cards to cartoons) and cast some of the first bells in America. In the courtyard you can see one of these, a 900 lb. bell and a small mortar and a bolt from the USS Constitution, all made by Paul Revere & Sons. So, do you know if it was “one if by land or two if by sea”? 19 North Square, Boston. Hours: Daily Apr 15-Oct 31 9:30-5:15; Nov 1-Apr 14 9:30-4:15. Tel: 617-523-2338. www.paulreverehouse.org
VA - Future President wounded at Battle of Trenton, NJ |
VA Exit 130: James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library - Many of you probably don’t know that besides being the 5th President of the U.S., James Monroe held many important jobs. In 1776, during the Revolution, he was an officer in the Continental Army and was wounded in his shoulder at the Battle of Trenton, N.J. He went on to serve in the Confederation Congresses, and then was a U.S Senator, Minister to France both for Washington and then under Jefferson (Minster to Spain and England, too) was Governor of VA and negotiated for the Louisiana Purchase and the purchase of Florida. As if that weren't enough, he was President James Madison's Secretary of State and Secretary of War during the War of 1812.
His home is in Fredericksburg, VA, and its restoration began in 1927 by Monroe's great-granddaughter, Rose Gouverneur Hoes, and her 2 sons. For more than 50 years, her son Laurence catalogued these unique objects which belonged to the President (and 4 term Governor of Virginia) and his family. Everything is here, from Monroe's kitchen utensils to the jewelry his wife brought back from Europe (remember, he was minister to France, England and Spain), including furniture, artwork and his clock collection. Monroe's own library is here, and his writings include letters, gifts and busts of his close friend the Marquis de Lafayette. 908 Charles St. Hours: Mon-Sat 10-5, Sun 1-4, (Dec-Feb Mon-Sat 10-4, Sun 1-4). Tel: 540-654-1043. www.umw.edu/jamesmonroemuseum
PA - "We must indeed all hang together ... "
DE Exit 5A N or NJ Exit 3 S: Franklin Court is where Benjamin Franklin's house stood. The house was 3 stories high and had 10 rooms, but was torn down in 1812. The space once occupied by the house is outlined by a 54-foot high "Ghost Structure" designed by Robert Venturi and built in 1976 for the bicentennial.
Like any couple, Benjamin and his wife Deborah had strong opinions about their home's design and decor, and excerpts from their correspondence about the topic are embedded in the walkways surrounding the house.
In Franklin Court, you can visit the United States Postal Service Museum (and get a postcard postmarked with B Free Franklin) and the Franklin Print Shop, but unfortunately at the moment, the Franklin Court Underground Museum is undergoing renovation. Fragments of Franklin Court will remain open (daily 12-4) showing architectural and archeological fragments of how houses were built and lived in around that time.
Benjamin Franklin, in his role of the diplomat (he was also a printer, inventor, publisher, author, statesman, Postmaster and more), was hugely instrumental in securing money and military aid for the Revolutionary War. 325 Market St., Philadelphia. Tel: 215-965-2305. www.visitphilly.com/history/philadelphia/franklin-court/ or www.nps.gov/inde/franklin-court.htm
VA - George Washington Definitely Slept here |
VA Exit 177S or 163N: Mount Vernon - This was the beloved home of George and Martha Washington from the time of their marriage in 1759 until Washington's death in 1799. He worked tirelessly to expand his plantation from 2,000 acres to 8,000 and the mansion house from six rooms to twenty one.
When his older brother died unexpectedly, George Washington acquired this property in 1754 and spent 45 years improving it, even finding time to oversee it during the Revolutionary War.
Included in the tour are the outbuildings, which give us a glimpse into plantation life, as well as gardens for crops and forests - and - hogs, sheep, chickens, horses, oxen cattle, mules, wild turkeys and deer. You learn how his slaves spun wool and linen, laundered clothing (including for his 100's of guests), cured foods, shod horses and ran the house. He freed his slaves in his will. George loved his land and was an innovative farmer, pioneering crop rotation and the use of fertilizers, and had one of the largest distilleries around.
The museum offers up a 20-min. Hollywood-produced movie and about 18 short films by The History Channel, as well as more than 700 personal effects of the Washington family covering furnishings, china, silver, clothing, jewelry, Revolutionary War artifacts, rare books and manuscripts.
There are 3 life-size wax models of Washington in 3 stages of his life - as a teenage land surveyor, a Revolutionary War general astride his white horse at Valley Forge, and the 57-year-old first president as he is sworn in on the balcony of Federal Hall. Ask for the adventure map for kids and see if you can find out what his false teeth were really made of. Daily Nov-Feb 9-4, Mar, Sept & Oct 9-5, Apr-Aug 8-5. www.mountvernon.org
What's inside Drive I-95 5th Edition: Here's a FREE look
Look ahead exit by exit to see which motels (with 800 numbers), gas stations, restaurants, campgrounds, 24-hour pharmacies, auto mechanics, radio stations or radar traps are there, and where you can stay with your pet. We share our stories of the road : history on I-95, museums, trivia, towns to explore or places to run the kids. These can be read for entertainment during the drive, and may entice you to stop, stretch your legs and discover someplace new. 
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PS: Buy this new edition to find patriotic sites to visit along I-95. Click here or call 888-GUIDE95 (888-484-3395). |